Dr. García is the Lemuel Hardison Redd, Jr. Professor of Western & Latino history at BYU. He is the author of four books on Mexican American politics and civil rights, and his fifth book will be coming out in the Fall of 2008. He has written on Chicano political parties, the John F. Kennedy presidential campaign as it related to Latinos, written a biography on Hector P. García, an American civil rights icon, and will soon be publishing a book on the first civil rights case to be decided by the Earl Warren Court. He is currently working on a co-edited volume of essays by major Latino scholars and intellectual, and also on a history of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission's work in the West.
Ignacio Garcia
History Faculty, Race, Latino History, 1914-Present, North America
Email: ignacio_garcia@byu.edu
Office: 2121 JFSB
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