Student Employment Form
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Student Employment Form
Please fill out before you are hired as a Student Employee in the History Department
Your BYU student email will automatically be put in as your contact email.
First Name*
Last Name*
BYU ID# (9 digit)*
Are you an International Student?*
If yes, please review the credit and hours per week requirements for International Students found here:
International Students
New Job Title*
Teaching Assistant (list Professor/Course below)
Research Assistant for Faculty Member (list Professor/Project below)
Research Assistant in The Center for Family History and Genealogy
Computer Programmer in The Center for Family History and Genealogy
Project Assistant for Jonathan McCollum on the FamilySearch/BYU Project
Professor and Course/Project for TAs and RAs
TAs: Please list the Professor and Course for which you will be a TA.
RAs: Please list the Professor and Project for which you will be an RA.
CFHG Employees and Jonathan McCollum Employees can leave this field blank.
History Department Employment*
How many semesters or terms have you previously worked in the History Department? Please list each professor you worked for, the course number (for TAs), and the semester or term when you had this job. (EX: Buckley RA Fall 2022, Christensen TA HIST 201 Winter 2023)
Other BYU Student Employment*
Are you currently working another job on campus? Will you be leaving a job on campus to take this job? Do you plan to work campus jobs concurrently? Explain below.
Have you been employed with a church affiliate outside of BYU within the last year? If yes, please list the job(s) and date(s) of employment.*
Church affiliates include places like Deseret Book, Deseret Industries, the MTC, etc. BYU Policy does not allow employees to work part-time for both BYU and another Church employer. If you are working part-time for another Church employer, you will need to terminate with the other employer before beginning work at BYU.
Are you related to anyone within the administrative scope or control of this position or to anyone working in the History Department?*
Scope of control begins at the vice-president level and continues down from level to level.
If yes, please list their name and position.
Direct Deposit Policy*
University policy requires all employees to use direct deposit for their paychecks. Employees will automatically be consented in to receive both their W-2 and 1095-C electronically. Set up Direct Deposit on MyBYU -> My Financial Center.
I agree to set up direct deposit prior to my second payroll payment.
Next Steps to Employment (Please read carefully)*
1. Student Employment Services requires updated I-9 documentation. If updated I-9 documents are needed, you will receive an email with instructions to schedule an appointment with Student Employment. In the meantime, please review the list of acceptable documents and begin gathering approved documents:
What do I need for my Appointment?
2. DO NOT begin any work or training until you have received an Authorization to Work email from Alex Allred Green.
I understand
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