Grants and Scholarships
Unlike scholarships, which can sometimes only be applied to tuition, internship grants provide funding for travel and living expenses while on your internship.
History Department Experiential Learning Grants
Need-based grants for History majors and minors pursuing experiential learning opportunities, including internships and study abroad programs.
Application Deadlines:
- Sp/Su ExL Grants and Capstone Research Funding: May 5
- Fall ExL Grants and Capstone Research Funding: September 18
- Winter ExL Grants and Capstone Research Funding: January 23
College of Family, Home, and Social Sciences Internship Grants
Individual awards of up to $1,600 available per academic semester. For majors of FHSS.
Application Deadlines:
- For fall semester internships: July 15
- For winter semester internships: November 15
- For spring and summer term internships: May 10
Center for Family History and Genealogy
Grants support family history students pursuing the family history internship course requirement. Special consideration is given to those who are serving internships outside of Utah. To apply, please contact the Center and watch for emails sent from the Center each October to all family history major and minors.
Phone: (801) 422-1968
Funding Deadline - November 15
HBLL Student Research Grants
Research grants for student research that utilizes resources in the Lee Library
Pell Grants
Must complete the application for federal financial aid (FAFSA) to determine eligibility
A variety of scholarships can be used to pay your tuition or fund other expenses while on an internship.
BYU History Department Scholarships
BYU Kennedy Center
Student info sessions
McKay School of Education Scholarships
BYU Undergraduate Scholarships
Education Portal: Liberal Arts & General Studies Degree
This award (of $500) is for students pursuing an associate or bachelor degree program emphasizing Liberal Arts, General Studies, or Humanities.
Golden Key Scholarships and Awards
The Golden Key Honor Society offers numerous scholarships each year amounting to $1,000,000 (USD). Scholarships range from study abroad funding and awards of academic excellence to research grants. Each of their many different scholarships requires a different application.