Assessments Overview Skip to main content

Assessments Overview

Below is a short description of the assessments completed throughout the teaching major programs. Full information is provided at each link.

Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA)
The EDA is completed as a self-assessment when you apply for either major. It is also completed by your professors and/or University Supervisors at the end of HIST 276, HIST 478, and student teaching or internship.
Fee: None

Performance Assessment and Evaluation System (PAES)
The PAES is completed at the end of Practicum (HIST 487) and at the end of student teacher or internship. Your professors, supervisors, and/or mentor teachers complete these evaluations.
Fee: None

Praxis II
The Praxis II (or Praxis for short) is a content exam that should be taken prior to student teaching or internship. It must be passed in order to graduate and receive your teaching license from the state.
Fee: $130 (subject to change)

Praxis Performance Assessment of Teaching (PPAT)
The PPAT is completed during student teaching or internship. This is an in-depth portfolio assessment.
Fee: $300