Pedagogy Courses Skip to main content

Pedagogy Courses

As part of the teaching majors, you will take several pedagogy-specific courses. Here is a brief description of each course.

HIST 276
This is an introduction to teaching social studies course. It is a Term 1 course taught during fall and winter semesters. It has an intense schedule (3-4 hours per day, five days per week). There is a heavy field component to this course. You should take HIST 201, 202, 220, and 221 prior to taking this course, or concurrently. This course is taken as a pre-major, and must be successfully completed before you can apply for the teaching major.

HIST 395
This technology course is taken in lieu of any/all IP&T course requirements. This course is specific to teaching with technology in social studies classrooms. This course is taught during fall, winter, and spring semesters. There are no pre-reqs for this course; it can be taken at any time before student teaching or internship.

HIST 397
This historical literacies course explores pedagogy specific to teaching history. This is taught as a Term 2 course during fall and winter semesters. There are no pre-reqs for this course; it can be taken at any time before student teaching or internship.

HIST 399
This course explores how to create democratic classrooms and develop democratic pedagogies. It is applicable across content areas. This is taught during fall and winter semesters. There are no pre-reqs for this course; it can be taken at any time before student teaching or internship.

HIST 477
This is the methods course taken the semester before student teaching. This course explores classroom building, curriculum, lesson and unit planning, assessment, and specific teaching methods. You must be admitted to the major in order to take this course. This course is taught during fall and winter semesters. You must concurrently enroll in HIST 478,

HIST 478
This is the Practicum (field experience) course taken the semester before student teaching. You must take this course concurrently with HIST 477. This course is entirely field-based. You will spend approximately 7 weeks in a local classroom working with a mentor teacher to plan and implement instruction. You must be admitted to the major in order to take this course. This course is taught during fall and winter semesters.

You will register for HIST 476 for student teaching, and HIST 496R for internship. You will attend a weekly seminar during student teaching and internship. Other than the seminar, these courses are entirely field based as your student teaching and internship.