PRAXIS II Information Skip to main content

PRAXIS II Information

What is it?
The PRAXIS is a knowledge and/or skills-based assessment that measures a teacher candidate’s readiness for teaching material in the classroom. This is a standardized test administered by ETS.

When is it completed?
You must take the PRAXIS test before student teaching or internship. We recommend you take the PRAXIS exam before taking HIST 477 and HIST 478. You might consider taking this during a semester or the summer when you have a lighter academic load. Your score will be valid for five years. If you do not receive a passing score, you can take the PRAXIS as many times as you need to (at additional cost each time).

What exam do I need to take?
In the State of Utah:

Major or MinorTest to Take
History Teaching Majors and Minors

World and US History: Content Knowledge (5941) or 

Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081) 

Social Science Teaching MajorsSocial Studies: Content Knowledge (5081)

Each exam costs $130

How can I prepare for the PRAXIS?
Each exam has a companion study guide book linked on the ETS web page that gives specific details about the test and advice for how to study.
There are also practice tests that can be purchased by students to help with the studying process. These each usually run about $20 and can be used multiple times within a 90 day period.
