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Commenly asked questions and answers

When and where do I get my fingerprinting and FBI background check done?

  • Fingerprinting and the FBI background check must be completed before you can take HIST 276.
  • Fingerprint and the FBI background check can be completed through the McKay School of Education.
  • You can visit the McKay School Education Advisement Center website for the specific checklist you will need.

What is Educator and how do I sign up for an Educator account?

  • Educator is the online system to track your progress in the teaching major. You will apply for the major and your student teaching or internship through Educator. This is not a replacement for your course MAP. 
  • You should create your Educator account when you complete your background and fingerprinting clearance, and before registering for HIST 276.
  • Instructions for creating your Educator account can be found here or from the EPP website.

When do I apply for the major?

When do I register for and take the Praxis exam?

  • We recommend you take the Praxis exam before taking HIST 477 and HIST 478. It needs to be completed prior to student teaching or internship. 
  • We suggest you take the Praxis exam in the summer when you might have more time to study and prepare for it.
  • You can learn more about the Praxis exam, such as specific state requirements and registration info, here.
  • Information specific to our teaching programs can be found here.
  • The Praxis will cost $130 (subject to change).

When should I take HIST 477 and HIST 478?

  • HIST 477 and HIST 478 must be taken concurrently in the same semester. 
  • Take these two courses the semester before student teaching or internship.

When should I take HIST 276, and what should I expect?

  • HIST 276 should be taken after you’ve completed your core History courses: HIST 201, 202, 220, and 221. 
  • HIST 276 should be taken no more than two semesters prior to taking HIST 477 and 478.
  • HIST 276 is an everyday, Monday-Friday course and is four hours long. Because of this, it is only one term and not the entire semester. It would be wise to plan your classes with this in mind.

Who can I talk to about creating a course plan?

  • The Fine Arts Advisor for our teaching majors is Kamee Nuzman. She can help you create your course plan. You can make an appointment with Kamee through the Liberal Arts Advisement Center here.
  • You can also use the “Plan My Courses” function on myBYU. See here for an overview of using that function.